Marieto Enterprise

Marieto Enterprise is a Greek audiovisual production company that has been active in the field of audiovisual production and distribution since 1990. During its years of operation, the company has expanded its range of activities.

Further Activities

Marieto is engaged in the commercial exploitation of cinemas and theaters, as well as in the organization of cultural events. Despite the fact that the range of activities includes numerous fields of action, the company has focused its efforts in the audiovisual production of documentaries and films in recent years.

Acquisition and use of new technologies in audiovisual production

The company's ambitions concern the development of activities in the field of digital technology producers, and the main objective is to increase its international competitiveness and this will require investment in equipment and human resources, including the recruitment of new and advanced technologies.

Expansion and cooperation

Expanding and collaborating with other media companies at international level, for example to acquire and commercialize, to distribute European films in Greece or to explore common productive capabilities, gave Marieto Enterprise the opportunity to create interesting partnerships and links with other European Audiovisual services. This factor is considered to be a critical factor in the transfer of advanced technological knowledge, which will improve the company's position in the local and wider international audiovisual production market.

Marieto Enterprise

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